Thomas Spotlights Leaders in Industry: Angela Hill

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We’re interviewing industry experts on their advice for business professionals, the technology that has the potential to change their business, and more. In this issue, meet Angela Hill, the Chief Marketing Officer at Andrews Cooper.

Thomas Insights (TI): How did you get into your career?

Angela Hill (AH): In 1992, I was hired as a graphic design intern at a medical device company in Saint Louis, Missouri. I was studying graphic design and marketing at Washington University in Saint Louis. My first task was to design a 100+ page book on an Apple IIC using Quark XPress. I was only allowed to ask questions if I couldn’t figure it out.

Well, I figured it out, designed that book on that super tiny monitor, and loved every minute of it. I fell in love with graphic design and marketing. Here I am 30+ years later, and I still love the challenge of the strategic and creative work that I do every day.

TI: What are your top challenges right now, and how are you working to overcome them? 

AH: My greatest challenge is that marketing has become a moving target, and there is a complete lack of understanding regarding how to leverage software properly. New marketing software, changing algorithms, and AI-driven software are evolving every day. Rather than be distracted by the noise, our team is choosing to focus on the company's core values, service strengths, and the best ways to communicate effectively and respectfully with our target clients.

TI: What upcoming technology has the potential to change the way you do your job?

AH: Industry 5.0 and robotics, while not completely new, are still changing how we solve client problems every day. Hardware product design with the end in mind and thinking through the ultimate challenges of custom manufacturing automation solutions — with a human-centered approach to robotics integration — are all incredibly important. Fully considering the safety, productivity, efficiency, and requirements of the human being at the center of manufacturing innovation is critical to ensuring the successful implementation of custom automation solutions.

TI: What’s the best piece of business advice you’ve ever received? 

AH: The best piece of business advice I have ever received is: "Only do what only you can do.” Be willing to let go of the things that are not your strengths, trust your team, communicate clearly and often, and focus on where you can generate the biggest impact. That is the best way to find fulfillment and ensure ROI for your efforts.

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